Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Conflict with Layer Manager and Rigify Possible BUG

Not sure if this is a bug.
When I use the layer manager and rigify together my feet and hand bones vanish.

1. generate a rigify rig
2. in layer manager set the "all objects on layer to draw wire" beachball button on.
3. toggle draw wire off
4. select rig, enter pose mode. Feet, hands, and finger bones vanish.

The missing bones are still there. You can select them in edit mode or in wireframe view.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


I have found that in pose mode with the missing bone selected (wireframe display) turn on wireframe on the display option under the bone tab, where you assign the custom shape.
Click to enlarge

Friday, February 20, 2015

Storyboards or Animatic


I have been finalizing the rigs and I think I have most of what I need for Bus Stop working. So I'm blocking out the shots. I have gone about this backwards in a way. I have a dozen rough storyboards that have been reworked a bit over the years. I was creating a polished storyboard to make my animatic from. But...

old storyboard image
I can see this in my head for the most part (I think). I have most of my assets completed. I started staging my assets and rendering shots to place in the polished storyboard to build and animatic from... Redundant? I rendered shot1, 12 frames. Then I layed them out in Photoshop, but I think I should just go ahead skip the polished storyboard and just create the animatic. I am learning Fusion 7 which is free now. It will be a great learning project. Could do it much faster in AE since I already know that program....

Anyway here is my shinny page 2 storyboard I am unlikely to ever print.
New Redundant storyboard

setup storyboard set using linked assets
blocked out shots for shot 1 and shot 2 rendered for storyboard,
figured it would be redundant to make the storyboard from renders since I'm not likely to print them. layout animatic Fusion/AE if fusion is too much to figure out.