Friday, February 20, 2015

Storyboards or Animatic


I have been finalizing the rigs and I think I have most of what I need for Bus Stop working. So I'm blocking out the shots. I have gone about this backwards in a way. I have a dozen rough storyboards that have been reworked a bit over the years. I was creating a polished storyboard to make my animatic from. But...

old storyboard image
I can see this in my head for the most part (I think). I have most of my assets completed. I started staging my assets and rendering shots to place in the polished storyboard to build and animatic from... Redundant? I rendered shot1, 12 frames. Then I layed them out in Photoshop, but I think I should just go ahead skip the polished storyboard and just create the animatic. I am learning Fusion 7 which is free now. It will be a great learning project. Could do it much faster in AE since I already know that program....

Anyway here is my shinny page 2 storyboard I am unlikely to ever print.
New Redundant storyboard

setup storyboard set using linked assets
blocked out shots for shot 1 and shot 2 rendered for storyboard,
figured it would be redundant to make the storyboard from renders since I'm not likely to print them. layout animatic Fusion/AE if fusion is too much to figure out.

1 comment:

  1. *laughs* Yep, this reminds me of how I used to do outlines for my papers in school. Still, I think you're still early enough in the project for storyboards to have use. Plus, you're learning, and that's always good, right?
